Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Bermudez Triangle by Maureen Johnson

In the first moment, Nina thought Avery was helping Mel with a necklace. Then she realize that Mel wasn't wearing one. Also, putting on or removing a necklace doesn't usually involve putting your lips on someone else's. 
Nina froze, holding the curtain to the side. One of her atomic laughs almost bubbled up, but then it stopped somewhere in her throat and sank back down.No where in Nina's arsenal of responses, replies, and reactions did she have anything for this. So she just stood there for a moment trying to think of something mutual, something you could say on any occasion at all. 
"What's going on?" she asked. 

"Poignant and laced with wry humor... a wonderfully moving and entertaining novel full authentic characters and emotions." -School Library Journal

PRICE: Before: P849
             AFTER: P600
PS. The book is hardbound. Prices can be lowered if your reasons are valid :)

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