Sunday, November 28, 2010

Flirt: Up Close and Personal by Nicole Clarke

Book Summary:
Alexa Veron is a practical joker, an Argentine wild child who loves nothing more than having the last laugh. But when one prank spurs her parents' last nerve, she knows it's time to get serious, and fast. Alexa strikes a deal with her parents-- she'll buckle down and ditch the funny-girl routine if only they'll let her spend a summer interning at Flirt in the photography department. They're skeptical but agree that if nothing else, it will be a good outlet for her totally endless energy.
New York City--and Flirt-- have everything Alexa could have hoped for: breathtaking architecture, juicy history, and, of course, constant motion. Thank goodness she brought her camera so she can document it all. But, trading Buenos Aires piazzas for Manhattan skylines hasn't tamed Alexa one bit, and soon her new friends are wondering if Alexa's "try-anything-twice" attitude has gone too far...

Before: P430

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